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Do-It-Yourself shiatsu - tools for self treatment in time of isolation 


This workshop offers participants helpful tools to deal with stress and anxiety through basic self-treatment techniques influenced from Japanese Shiatsu massage.  Participants will be guided through self-massage techniques as well as some stretches to promote the natural flow of energy in the body. By using fingers and palms to contact specific pressure points, participants will trace meridians (energy pathways in the body) where stress can be felt to encourage greater rejuvenation and relaxation. 

The workshop will also offer a basic understanding of the natural flows of energy in the body and its different qualities as experienced through the five-element theory: Fire, Wood, Earth, Water, Metal. This information will help participants understand their own natural habits to help them locate where energy might be blocked and how to promote natural healing through self-touch to find a more calming sense of balance.




Shiatsu for Dancers 


Shiatsu  is a bodywork technique that originated in Japan and is based on Chinese acupuncture theory.  During a session fingers are pressed on particular points of the body to ease aches, pains, tension, fatigue as well as to maintain health and vitality.

To give stronger pressure to the body, practioners also use palms of the hands, elbows and knees. Stretching is also applied to increase flexibility and loosen-up the muscles.


Shiatsu in particular is an amazing and incredibly effective technique for dancers since it involves movement and has a very strong holistic impact on the body as well as the mind.

In this workshop we will learn the basic elements of touching and working on a partner and will also focus on learning basic movment techniques which create passive stretching between giver and receiver.  Some stretches are learned as a sequence which can resemble a dance phrase. It is said that a good shiatsu session is like a well choreographed dance.


Dancers will be switching partners and roles as recievers and givers to have both of experiences and learn how to work on each other. The work will be done in different positions -( laying on back, on stomach, on the side and sitting )-  and will focus on all body parts and joints. The whole body will be covered.

The workshop will focus more on the physical part of shiatsu, but some basic elements of philoshophy will be introduced.


Students are also welcome to bring their own specific PHYSICAL problems and questions to the workshop and we will try to figure out how to address these issues.





 Shiatsu and Movement 


A smooth and fluid session helps the receiver relax, feel comfortable and as a result have a holistic experience with a long lasting affect.


In this workshop we will learn and practice how to use movement as an integral part of giving a session.  We will pay close attention to moving the receiver in transition from one position to another as well as applying some passive stretching.


Movement and stretching are also great ways to affect the flow of Ki in the body and allow tension to ease out and create balance.


We will practice many stretching techniques in the three working positions: Prone, Supine and side position. 

In the first two days we will focus on different body parts  hips and legs, shoulder and arms, back and neck and discuss the relating meridians. 

In the third day we will incorporate those specific techniques into a full body session and also talk about how to make decisions regarding what is necessary to create a good effective full body session for specific individuals.

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